February 25, 2021 Maria Verdin

Town Hall on Resolving CRE Issues with Mediation

John Pagliassotti and Jim Sullivan break down the benefits of mediation, the types of cases that are good candidates for mediation, and discuss the key steps in the process.

Thursday, February 25, 2021
Presentation and Q&A Session


Watch this Town Hall presentation by AIR CRE Mediators, John Pagliassotti and Jim Sullivan, as they discuss how the unique market conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lock-downs, has caused the number of CRE disputes to spike over the last year.


  • Spike in tenant/owner disputes in 2020/21
  • Backlog in the courts
  • What is mediation? Mediation vs arbitration
  • Benefits to mediation
  • Types of cases to mediate
  • AIR CRE Mediation