December 7, 2021 Maria Verdin

AIR CRE Training: Designing a Great CRE Business Plan for 2022

This training, presentation and Q&A is designed to take your brokerage production to the next level within the next year with a great business plan for 2022.

This highly informative session featuring bestselling author and commercial real estate coach, Jim Gillespie, is designed to take your brokerage production to the next level by formulating a great business plan in the coming year.
(Run time: 59min)

FEE: $69.00 (free to those that registered for the live seminar)

To purchase, click on the PLAY button in the upper-right corner of the video, or click on the BUY button at the end of the Trailer.

If you have purchased the video and are having any issues with playing, click the link below and login to Vimeo to watch:


Jim Gillespie
America’s Premier Commercial Real Estate Coach
Advanced Commercial Real Estate Coaching


  • How to take an inventory of your brokerage business over the past year, and learn what needs to be improved
  • How to identify what you’ll need to do differently in the coming twelve months, to ensure that you’ll achieve your new income goal
  • How to hold yourself accountable, to make sure that you remain on track towards achieving your new income goal