April 10, 2020 Maria Verdin

Town Hall with Greenberg Glusker on Coronavirus’ Impact on CRE Legal Issues

Lee Dresie, Partner and real estate specialist at Greenberg Glusker, addresses CRE legal issues related to the coronavirus pandemic - force majeure, canceling an escrow, rent reductions, deferrals and abatements, and what happens when the courts reopen.

Thursday, April 9, 2020 
Presentation and Q&A Session


Lee Dresie, Partner and real estate specialist at Greenberg Glusker and long-time AIR CRE Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors, discusses legal issues facing landlords, tenants, buyers and sellers as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.


  • Do tenants have the ability to use contractual or statutory Force Majeure provisions in connection with the coronavirus crisis?
  • If a buyer cancels an escrow as a result of coronavirus fall-out, do they have the ability to recover deposits and liquidated damages?
  • What rights and obligations do tenants and landlords have relative to rent reductions, deferrals or abatements in light of the crisis and governmental lockdown mandates?
  • The courts are operating at reduced capacity. How does that affect the enforcement of real estate contracts?