September 15, 2024 Maria Verdin

40th Annual AIR CRE Golf Classic

AIR CRE’s 40th Annual Golf Classic tournament took place on Sep 9th at the Industry Hills Golf Club at Pacific Palms Resort, in Industry Hills, CA.

Photography Sponsor: KARDENT

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 40th Annual AIR CRE Golf Classic! It was a fantastic day filled with friendly competition and networking over lunch, cocktails, and dinner. Congratulations to our 1st Place Team: Michael Collins, Ian Grossman, Jack Stone and Rudy Lara! Special recognition goes to our Closest to the Pin winners: Jaimeson Hearne (Hole #5), Jack Stone (Hole #9), and Ian Grossman (Hole #15), who also won the Straightest Drive Contest. The Longest Drive Contest winners were Cruise Adams and Linda Simmons and the finalist for the Putting Green Contest was Greg Eckhardt.

Thanks to all of our participants and sponsors. Your contributions made the day memorable, and we appreciate your support of AIR CRE and the Jules B. Altemus Scholarship Fund. See you again next year for more fun and competition!

If you missed grabbing a spot for this year’s competition, consider becoming a sponsor for next year’s tournament and lock in your spot on the greens.