January 31, 2019 Sean Pullin

Listings and Comps: Run a Search

Running a search in the AIRCRE Research & Listings platform.

  1. The available search options will all appear in the top left corner of the page. There are a few key options that will provide the most accurate results of your search which are listed below.
  2. Location – You can enter cities, or even a specific market.
    1. At the top of the page, if you go to the “Reports” section, there is a link in that section for “Market Areas”, which will show you a full breakdown of our markets and the cities that fall within them.
  3. Type – Searching by listing/comp type, Property/Building type, or Space type. To find all listings associated with a particular requirement, your best results will come if you only check the option under “Space Type”.
  4. Price/Size – When searching for available space, search by “Available (SF)”.
  5. More – There are additional parameters that may help whittle down your search results to your specific criteria.
  6. Now that you have your results, you can use the additional options to check into the details, or print out a report.